Hundreds of excited consumers opened up Nintendo Switch game cases to be met with confusion during the Christmas season. Not confused because they're expecting to find a cool instruction manual, those days have been taken around the back of the shed like a lame farm dog and have been put down, poor doggy. The confusion came from a Steve Buscemi googly eye staring back at them in place of the game cartridge one would expect to see.
Complaints hit Nintendo hard and fast as it seemed like the situation caught everyone with their pants down, either that or it was a pants free day. This as most would interpret was a little bit catastrophic. No one knew how the eyes were ending up in game cases in place of cartridges however there was one idea that would reward Nintendo with more Yen than they could throw a hen at. It was competition time. It was announced that the first three people to receive five googly eyes would win a Switch 2 one week before anyone else can buy one. It was Nintendo showing damage control prestige, covering up a mistake they know not the origin of while raking in that sweet Yen with an unfair competition. Instead of being sad about opening up to a googly eye shoppers would shout with glee as they'd be one step closer to a Switch 2. There was no guarantee there would be enough googly eyes to earn anyone with a "free" Switch 2 but Nintendo were riding that wave now and didn't care.
Public Relations problem solved!