JIM-666 Not as Evil as People Think
There has been a staggering rise in evil copycat behaviour with many motorists paying a wasteful fee to upgrade their vanilla number...
Here is the place for my quirky and dry podcast on personal takes from old and new games. Mixing in theology, satirical gaming articles, fake game previews and hot topics.
Here, have a link to the podcast and get listening!
There has been a staggering rise in evil copycat behaviour with many motorists paying a wasteful fee to upgrade their vanilla number...
We may not have guns, or wits as our wits got rid of our guns which could be handy in times of invasion. Nevertheless, we have an...
The show of wits and cunning are ever present in the lead up to another election as Australians plan their vote for Australia's most...
Many people follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before them and live full and happy lives. Ash Ketchum though was a despicable...
As a dad sometimes it's the small victories won through pure manliness and vein bulging aggression toward toothpaste tubes that gets them...
Western influence creeps in everywhere doesn't it? Now the Japanese have caught onto the western naming convention craze that involves...
Hundreds of excited consumers opened up Nintendo Switch game cases to be met with confusion during the Christmas season. Not confused...
In a last ditch effort to provide assistance to Taiwan in their efforts to remain not invaded Australia will be spending big! Taiwan...
Toys are fun to play with, not so fun to sit and watch a kid play with them on Youtube and it's evident that Albo gets this. One of the...
Bert Haggerty, leading slide technician of Palm Leaf Springs Covenantal Life Baptist Church has decided at the age of 81, enough is...
The Metal Mario fist of law is coming down of late on anything that shows a slight likeness or allusion to any Nintendo property....
Some say time heals everything, this is a load of baloney though. Some hurts go so deep that no amount of counselling or rewatching of...
Catching a Pokémon you don’t actually want is something we all do, it’s a part of normal Pokémon trainer life. The option to send your...
In a macho display of attention seeking, Shigeru Miyamoto has revealed to the world his muscles of all things and the Nintendo Switch 2....
Another day of retirement slowly draws to an end and Jim sits back in his armchair, something grey catches his attention and he wonders...
Playing sport and being on the big screen is inspirational. Deep down everyone dreams of being just like a famous sportsperson. Kicking...
Ever gone for a quick visit to the John only to come out with your life completely changed? Most have been lucky to escape with only the...
According to the trusted DEI team... I mean historians at Ubisoft, the indomitable Yasuke of Assassins Creed Shadows is far more...
To do well in business it is necessary to dress smart, smell good and wear a tie. Donkey Kong is naked, he smells like wet dog and he...
Subscriber retention is dwindling, the happy family is falling apart and the team at Microsoft are trying something new.