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Local Ashamed Man Set Free From What Felt Like an Eternity Without Proper Gaming Entertainment

A concerned wife has come forward with the report of her brave husband that faced a literal nightmare and triumphantly lived through it. From a young age this local husband with a paper bag on his head who wishes to remain anonymous has feared dancing girls and J-Pop. This wasn't a concern of his in later life until recently. The dark net is a place that can reach the unsuspecting and Bag Head's wife became concerned after strange rumblings. Bag Head started stating to his wife that he must 'beat down his backlog at all costs to remain in group.' This sounded like nonsense so she laughed and shrugged it off. The underground dark gaming club then coerced and bullied her husband into playing Final Fantasy X-2 to qualify for their secret book club. Her concerns mounted and things weren't adding up when she heard him sobbing from his gaming room and then acting like nothing was wrong upon questioning. Then the night terrors began, outbursts and screams would erupt.

"No Yuna, no more dancing!"

"My ears! My ears are bleeding from the J-Pop intro!"

It was during these moments that she almost abandoned him but her Proverbs 31 attitude kept her by him and she encouraged him through the suffering. Weeks later a cry came from the games room.

"I did it! I hardly knew the vague story was about to end until the last minute!"

Through blood, sweat and tears Mr Bag Head accomplished his mediocre feat, beating FFX-2 and would join the secret book club. His lovely wife had this closing statement

"I'm just so proud of him. He's a big DC comics fan so I found an old classic game for him to enjoy and play next as a reward. He'll just love Superman 64!"

How heart-warming.

To hear the full story with brilliant voice acting then listen to it here.

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