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Local Cat Lady's Cat Spends $250,000 on Pokemon Go

Isn't it cute when your cat paws at things in a playful manner? Not when the playful pawing cat is racking up an enormous bill in the Pokemon Go store. Launceston resident Tilly Randolph woke up to find she had hundreds of miniscule transactions that equaled up to $250,000 over night and all the storage space one could ever need for 20 lifetimes in Pokemon Go. Her fluffy white cat Snowball had nothing better to do all night than paw at Tilly's phone which she had been using till she fell asleep leaving it unlocked. The wretched creature entered the store of Pokemon Go and managed to purchase a gross amount of in-game garbage. It is believed Snowball did this deliberately as it is confirmed everywhere that cats are inherently evil. The massive deduction from Lilly's bank account has unfortunately left her homeless, which she doesn't seem to mind as Pokemon hang out more in the local parks that she'll now be sleeping in anyway. Snowball has since ran two cars off a bridge and has tripped over a little boy, what a jerk.

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