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Mostly Peaceful Protests Erupt at Microsoft HQ in Wake of Tango Gameworks Closure

Updated: May 11

Laid off developers and appreciators of their craft have rallied together to politely show they aren’t super happy about recent studio closures.

The day was drawing to a close and the remaining crew at Microsoft HQ were about to head home when out the window some action was taking place. A car in flames drove headlong toward the front entrance with the driver diving out at the last moment, it must have been some kind of happy accident with no malice. Luckily the front door and desk could be obliterated by it in order to slow it down from any further damage. Behind the car flowed in some old familiar faces from Tango who were carrying flaming torches and were clumsily brushing them against all the curtains which of course set them all aflame. Up from the ground the receptionist stood after diving out of the cars way and she helpfully enquired. “Can I help anyone?”

The crowd were joyfully screaming too loud for her to be heard as they rushed past and began grabbing whatever they could. It seemed they were reorganising the contents of the building by loading them into their backpacks, strange but what an initiative! Smoke began to fill the lobby yet through the smog spray paint could be smelt, lo and behold a bright young man was spraying the walls in an effort to try and clear the air of smoke! In order to limber up a group of old friends were seen all stretching their legs against a statue of Phil Spencer and accidentally pushed it over, they screamed and spat at it out of what one would assume would be distress from their mostly peaceful actions.

The happy visitors didn’t go home empty handed though as security stepped in and started giving the visitors some free bruises and broken bones to take home with them!

Listen to this story and more in the latest news episode!

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