Bullish Helldivers 2 players on PC rallied together to show disapproval for PSN login requirements for their once loved game. What was once the jewel in Sony’s PC gaming crown would become less appealing than a stale day old egg and bacon sandwich from a truck stop. In the gaming sphere words have the power to break bones and that’s just what Steam users did with the onslaught of negative reviews that rained down on the Helldivers 2 store page. The impact of these reviews devastated the Sony workforce as one by one they went down. Necks snapped from outrage whiplash and people were blinded from all the tears being shed over mad disses. Desk jockey John Riggertoni read one review and the force of the harsh words threw him from his seat and through 10 office cubicles breaking every bone in his butt. That was the power of just one review! An excerpt was taken from another and has been deemed safe enough to share, read on if you have the fortitude of Chuck Norris.
“I bought this game at launch and never had to make a PSN account and now I’m getting told I need one to login. Well how about you suck farts Helldivers 2. This was my favouritest game but now everything about it sucks. My life is literally ruined now and I hate you.” If those words from PhatAndFurry22 don't break your back then I don’t know what will.
Sony has had to take back their PSN login requirements for the safety of all employees and hope that Helldivers 2 will be a favouritest game once again!
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